Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sunday Evening 'Cycles'

My recent monotonous life during my 'study leave' has thrown me into a new sunday routine. The one evening a week when i can take my bicycle and go cycling. Frustrated, mentally saturated and emotionally tired I pedal down from my house towards Chowapatty. The familiar open sea to my right and the familiar marine drive before me but from a different perspective.... pedaling on a silver cycle.

I dont know if its the gentle wind, the open road, the setting sun or the FM music on cell phone but suddenly (and always) my life transcends from turmoil and unrest to simple peace of mind. Its the most beautiful feeling it feels perfect You, your cycle and the open road.

I've been sticking to the same route over the last four weeks. Cycle down to nariman point, watch the sunset, cycle along Mantralaya to colaba and then through Fort, Ballard Estate and work your way back to marine drive and then home. Its nice to contemplate over your recent experiences, its nice to break into a sweat, its amazing to experience sheer human fueled power when you accelerate on your cycle.

Sunday Evening 'Cycles' thats what they are all about:-)


me!... said...

way to go....sounds like grt fun...(ur cyclin trips n ur blogs...both!)...

Noman said...

hey dude..good job! doesn't look like you've done it..amateur blogging for you is bygone! I loved the detail and finer work.. beautiful photographs..!

shreekant bihani said...

We got to make joy more sustainable, you see !